Market Add

In class we have been learning about different types of persuasive pieces. This a print add that I made for the year 5 market. It has all the products we are selling on it and has a name and slogan. In class we talked about what makes a good print add. For example, lighting and colour, special effects, camera angles, target audience. I didn’t include all of these but it was actually quite hard to make a print add. Harder than I thought. Anyway, I still had lots of fun.

A Smashing Start To APS Term 2

In term two, we started competing against other schools in APS. We got a first and second preference for the sport we wanted to do. The choices were:

  • Dance/aerobics
  • Footy
  • Volleyball
  • Netball
  • Cross country running

I chose footy as my first, and volleyball as my second. I was thrilled to when I got footy. At first I was a little scared to compete, because I had never played footy before. But once I got into it, I found it really fun. My favourite position is back (at the other teams goals). We have lost both games, but it was still I had loads of fun.

I have loved competing against other schools and I can’t wait for the terms to come. Now when I watch the AFL on TV, I know what the rules are. 

An amazing start to Library

My favourite genre is historical fiction. I love sad books because they make me feel the characters emotion, and in the war, lots of people died so it is usually sad. Some examples of historical fiction are The War That Saved My Life (first in the series), and The War That I Finally Won, (the sequel), they are amazing books about a girl with a club foot, that is experiencing life in world war 2. That is now my favourite book and I didn’t want to put it down.

So far in book chat, I have read, the one and only Ivan and war horse. I liked the one and only Ivan a bit better, because firstly it was and easy read and made sense, I also loved the way it was set out. It was different to other books and most importantly I am a big fan of animals. It also showed me how bad some people treat animals and it made me sad.

One of the things I have loved about coming to Carey is the Evans Library. I am a book worm and every night I read before going to bed. The Evans Library is really big and has so many great books. What do you like to read?

Already the end of term 1!

The first term of school has gone really quickly but I have loved every part of it. Some of the highlights were A.P.S, rock climbing, biking, triathlon, and swimming. I loved all of them and especially enjoyed the rock climbing. I also had a great time at the house swimming carnival and starting work on the year 5 market. Also I have really loved getting to know my new friends, they are so nice, friendly, and funny. Recently we went to the Queen Victorian Market (QVM) to learn about how markets looks and to get some ideas for the year 5 market. It was really fun and our tour guide was funny.

At Carey, I have learned a heap of new things in all different subjects. For instance, maths, we did a pre test and it was really tricky so I skipped most questions. Then we did it again after learning a number of different strategies. I did a lot better and was really proud of myself. Also in art, we learned cross hatching, I didn’t have a clue what that was but we watched a video on it. I found it tricky at first, but then I got the hang of it.

My goals for next term are:

  1. Boost my resilience levels up.
  2. In a group, make sure everyone is involved.
  3. Be more positive when things don’t go my way – resilience.
  4. When my parents ask me how my day was, instead of saying good, give a bit more detail about the highlights.
  5. Work with different people.

This term we have had to use a number of Carey’s P.L.A (positive learner attributes). Some examples are, collaboration, (we have done a lot of group work), imagination, (in the year 5 market you need to think outside the box), and the big one is resilient. Resilient is Carey’s word for 2019, it has come up a lot throughout the term, and is a very important attribute. Being resilient means that if something goes wrong, you keep going. For example, if you were in a race and fell over, you wouldn’t just give up. You’d get up and keep running.

The first few weeks at Carey were a bit tough, but once I found friends I was happy and it got a lot easier. By the end of term one, I don’t feel like a new kid anymore. I’m looking forward to term two.

First month in year 5

The first month in 5S has been very exciting. I have loved the APS program. The triathlon, cycling and swimming were very enjoyable and I can’t wait to do rock climbing. After a few weeks I found some really nice friends and they are all new, so we can relate to each other’s experiences. Mrs. Straford is understanding and she knows what I need help with and what my strong points are. All the specialists have been great, I especially liked art because it challenged me. Every night I have something that was fun that day, to tell my family. I have borrowed a few books from the library because I love reading. For the first time for book chat, I got the one and only Ivan (an amazing book about friendship and animals) for the 2nd time I got war hors (a book about a horse that goes to war). At my old school we didn’t do book chat so this was new to me, and it has been very enjoyable. Overall I have loved my first month at Carey and I can’t wait for camp.