An amazing start to Library

My favourite genre is historical fiction. I love sad books because they make me feel the characters emotion, and in the war, lots of people died so it is usually sad. Some examples of historical fiction are The War That Saved My Life (first in the series), and The War That I Finally Won, (the sequel), they are amazing books about a girl with a club foot, that is experiencing life in world war 2. That is now my favourite book and I didn’t want to put it down.

So far in book chat, I have read, the one and only Ivan and war horse. I liked the one and only Ivan a bit better, because firstly it was and easy read and made sense, I also loved the way it was set out. It was different to other books and most importantly I am a big fan of animals. It also showed me how bad some people treat animals and it made me sad.

One of the things I have loved about coming to Carey is the Evans Library. I am a book worm and every night I read before going to bed. The Evans Library is really big and has so many great books. What do you like to read?